Jaco Rehab Named One of Hawaii’s Best Workplaces in 2024!
What an honor! Jaco Rehab was named one of Hawaii’s Best Workplaces in 2024 by Pacific Business News. The award recognizes companies according to company size amongst 3 categories. Pacific Business News, in collaboration with their research partner, Quantum Workplace, evaluated employee surveys, in which therapists and staff at Jaco Rehab were invited to respond to […]

Pinched Nerve in the Neck? Start Treating with 2 Exercises
Sometimes neck stiffness, arm weakness, or feelings of pins and needles down your arm can be signs of a “pinched nerve” from the neck. This injury is common but annoying, often irritated by simple day-to-day activities. This can include: Looking over your shoulder while driving Gazing up at the birds in the sky Sleeping in […]

What to Expect After Meniscus Surgery
Your recovery after a meniscus surgery depends on your dedication to rehabilitation. Make sure you read up on the expectations after surgery to understand how to recover well without risking another injury. If you’re looking for a physical therapy clinic on O’ahu, Hawaii after your surgery, check out JACO Rehab’s team! You’ll get the 1-on-1 […]

What to Expect During ACL Prehab
Like many people who injure their anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), you were likely playing a sport when you felt that dreaded “pop” in your knee. An ACL tear is life-changing for some, but it can also be an opportunity to focus on prioritizing body mechanics and proper movement patterns as you return to sport, even […]

Does Physical Therapy Help Arthritis?
By 2050, two billion people worldwide will have arthritis. (1) Your risk for arthritis increases primarily with age, but there are other risk factors you should be aware of to prevent its development and keep your body moving. If you’re already experiencing painful joints, JACO’s physical therapists are here to help. We’re here to teach you […]

Physical Therapy for Knee Arthritis
Knees go through a lot. They help you walk, run, stair climb, kneel, hike, and swim. You name the activity, and they’re probably involved. With all that demand, it makes sense that the knee goes through wear-and-tear. The medical term for wear-and-tear is arthritis. Arthritic changes are common and normal. Compare it to developing gray […]

5 Exercise Tips for Osteoporosis, According to Physical Therapists
Thinning bones aren’t normal with age, although it’s very common and affects more than 40% of adults aged 50 or older. (1) Those beginning to lose bone density have a condition called osteopenia, which means that bones are weaker, but not brittle. If left untreated, it can progress to osteoporosis, a condition characterized by thin […]

What Do Physical Therapists Do?
Physical therapists have a broad skill set. They can rehabilitate sprained ankles, treat a burn wound, or help a premature baby learn how to regulate its vitals as it adapts to its surroundings. Physical therapists collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide treatment and get you moving. So if you get a physical therapy referral […]

Why is My Physical Therapist Performing Joint Mobilization?
You’re new to physical therapy for pain and stiffness in your shoulder. You’ve tried stretching independently, but the joint feels “stuck.” In an outpatient setting like JACO Rehab, your physical therapist will utilize a variety of techniques to help alleviate and resolve your pain and stiffness. This can range from stretching and strengthening exercises to […]

A Physical Therapy Massage: What Is It, Really?
Starting the rehabilitation process following an injury can be intimidating, especially when you’re in pain. Don’t worry! You and your physical therapist will collaborate in setting goals and creating a game plan to recover and prevent future injuries. At first, your therapist will be hands-on. As you progress, you’ll become more independent in your exercises […]